Virginia Hands & Voices invites all families of deaf and hard-of-hearing children, all D/HH adults (with or without children of their own), and all professionals who treat and support deaf and hard-of-hearing children to become members of the Virginia Chapter. YOU belong here.
Join the growing number of families and professionals who want to connect with and enrich the lives of the deaf and hard-of-hearing children in Virginia and beyond. Membership fees are outlined below.
Please note! This is a two-step process. You must fill out a membership application and pay for your dues. Links to the application and payment are below:
You can apply for membership online by clicking on an application link below:
(NOTE: Memberships run January - December. Family Membership Scholarships are available to those who qualify. For more information, please email us at
If you are renewing your membership now (as in November/December of 2023), your membership will carry/roll over into 2024! There is no better time to renew your membership before the holiday rush begins!
Membership Fee:
***You must pay a processing fee if paying for a membership online***
If you prefer, you may elect to mail in an application (download the form below). Please submit a check for your membership dues along with your mail in application. Completed application can be mailed to:
P.O. BOX 29552
or you can scan and email it to: