Meet the Team

It takes a village to raise a child and it takes a small army to run Virginia Hands & Voices! The Board of Directors is comprised of parents of deaf and hard-of-hearing children as well as professionals in the field. Below are the four current officers of our organization: Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer. There are many more volunteers running our events, communications, fundraising, etc., and we are always looking for people willing to lend their time and talent. Don't you want to be part of what makes this organization great?  

Terese 'Teri' Urban



Parent of a deaf child


Montpelier, Virginia




Gianina Thornton


Vice Chair

Parent of two deaf children 


Henrico, virginia 










Dessie Berry



Parent of a hard of hearing child  


Fairfax, VA

Sabrina Hasnat



Parent of a hard-of-hearing child


Leesburg, VA




Emilie Mulholland


Membership Chair

Early Interventionist

Deaf adult with a deaf child


Springfield, VA

Jill Young, Au.D., F-AAA


Communications Chair

Pediatric audiologist with hearing loss


Fairfax, VA




Karen Woolman, Au.D. 


Board Member

Pediatric audiologist

Sibling of a Deaf adult


Fairfax, VA












Alicia Rodriguez


Board Member

Parent of a hard of hearing child


Fredericksburg, VA













Shalimar "Shali" Alio


Board Member

Spanish Outreach and Communications

Parent of a deaf child


Alexandria, VA




This is the website of the Virginia Chapter of the national organization of Hands & Voices. This H&V chapter and its website may publish articles or commentaries from authors presenting their own perspectives.  All contributed material is solely the viewpoint of the authors and may not reflect the viewpoint or indicate the sponsorship of Hands & Voices.  It is intended for informational purposes only.